Tips to Prevent Water-Borne Diseases: Impact of waterborne diseases on children: Expert’s tips on prevention and care |

Tips to Prevent Water-Borne Diseases: Impact of waterborne diseases on children: Expert’s tips on prevention and care |
Despite the fact that it is a danger to children and those with preexisting health problems, fever becomes a common occurrence in several people during the monsoon. So what happens? This is an elaborate review from a medical perspective:
The monsoon makes children prone to many infections because they get exposed to bacteria and viruses in still water and damp environments.The common febrile illnesses include viral fevers (like flu and dengue), bacterial infections (such as typhoid and respiratory tract infections) and waterborne diseases such as Typhoid, Diarrhoea & leptospirosis.
What are its impacts on young ones?
When not managed immediately, fever in kids may result in pain, loss of appetite, irritability and dehydration. In some severe cases certain types of infections can spread rapidly which would demand urgent medical attention. Parents should therefore be able regularly monitor their child’s temperature for any persistent or worsening fever then seek medical advice.
Preexisting conditions
People with chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and respiratory disorders (for instance, asthma) are at a higher risk during the monsoon season. This climate creates a favorable breeding ground for diseases particularly the respiratory ailments and water related diseases to those with a pre-existing condition.
Management and preventions:
Hygiene: Teach them the importance of washing hands often and how to take care of their physique to prevent infections.

Vaccination: Make sure to take necessary precautions, one of which is ensuring one has had the necessary immunizations, for instance, the flu shot.
Safe drinking water: Never consume water in its raw form as this puts you at the risk of contracting water borne diseases.
Mosquito control: People should sleep under mosquito nets and use repellents, while emptying fountains, tires and other receptacles that accumulate water to ward of dengue and malaria.
Medical advice: If you develop high temperature, difficulty in breathing, cough that does not stop, or confusion, then please seek medical help.
As a result, it is important to ensure good hygiene, get checked and treated early and consider preventative measures during this period to save children and people with chronic illnesses from getting influenza and other related diseases.
(Author: Dr Rahul Nagpal, Principal Director & Hod Paediatrics & Neonatology | Fortis Hospital, Vasant Kunj)

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